Yam Story ’96

Close up of Yam Story ’96

Abstract painting of long, layered brushstrokes in shades of red, pink, orange and white, laid over a black background. The brushstrokes intersect, weave together, and overlap, creating a frenzied web of lines.
Abstract painting of long, layered brushstrokes in shades of red, pink, orange and white, laid over a black background. The brushstrokes intersect, weave together, and overlap, creating a frenzied web of lines.
Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Yam Story '96, 1996; Acrylic on canvas, 47 7/8 x 36 x 1 in.; National Museum of Women in the Arts, Gift of the Collection of Margaret Levi and Robert Kaplan; © Emily Kame Kngwarreye/Copyright Agency; Licensed by Artists Rights Society, New York, 2023

Emily Kame Kngwarreye painted expressive representations of the Dreaming, the English word used to describe the Australian Aboriginal cosmology, which includes narratives about ancestral spirits who created the universe. Like other contemporary painters, Kngwarreye developed an abstract visual language that alludes to these narratives. Many of her works reference the wild yam Dreaming of which she was a senior custodian within her community’s kinship structure. The web of lines in this painting may represent paths trod by ancestors, natural or spiritual forces, or the twining vine of the wild yam plant.

In the 1970s, many Australian Aboriginal artists were inspired to make fabrics and paintings related to the Dreamings as part of the Land Rights’ Movement through which they sought to reclaim traditional homelands and sustain their culture. Kngwarreye and other women artists worked together in groups and became dynamic forces in the Aboriginal art community. Kngwarreye’s paintings are renowned for their moody, atmospheric appearance. She developed, and often combined, several abstract formats including layered dots, parallel or interlacing lines, and fan-shaped daubs in her favored palette of red, pink, and orange.

Artwork Details

  • Artist

    Emily Kame Kngwarreye
  • Title

    Yam Story ’96
  • Date

  • Medium

    Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions

    47 7/8 x 36 in.
  • Donor Credit

    The Collection of Margaret Levi and Robert Kaplan
  • Image Credit

    © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VISCOPY, Australia
  • On Display
