About the LRC
With over 25,000 books and print resources, as well as a diverse collection of rare and unique items, including artists’ books and zines, the Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center (LRC) facilitates scholarship on historical and contemporary women artists. Archival collections include the Judy Chicago Visual Archive, comprising photographs, slides, negatives, and printed ephemera; personal papers of Frida Kahlo; drawings by Doris Lee; the palette and brush of Eulabee Dix; and the museum’s own institutional archives. The library also creates rotating exhibitions showcasing its collections and providing opportunities to discover and interpret primary source material.
The LRC serves researchers of all ages and levels of expertise.
Tuesday to Friday
10 am to 4:30 pm
The LRC will be closed on Friday, February 7th.
Hours are subject to change. Check the Visit page for updates

Online Catalog
Search the online catalog for books, periodicals, reference materials, artist books, zines, exhibition catalogues, and more.

Research Appointments
The Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center (LRC) welcomes researchers of all levels and backgrounds interested in furthering their knowledge about women in the visual arts. To request an appointment, complete the LRC Researcher Registration Form. If you are unable to complete this online form, please email lrc@nmwa.org with your desired date and research topic.

Library Exhibitions
Exhibitions at the Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center illustrate the accomplishments and history of women in the arts through the display of primary source materials. Exhibitions showcase artist correspondence, sketches, ephemera, photographs, posters, rare books, museum archival material, and artists’ books.

LRC Resources
Artists’ Books

Resources for Research
