Have you ever been on a camping trip or a hike and caught yourself exclaiming, “That sunset is sublime!” or “Aren’t those mountains picturesque?” In our modern-day language, we use...

From the Vault: Blanche Grambs Mines for Inspiration in the New Deal Era
November 12, 2010
Woman Printmaker
Drawing inspiration from the social and economic conditions of the Great Depression, American illustrator and printmaker Blanche Grambs incorporated the struggles of the New Deal era into her work. Grambs...

Jean Shin is a master of rendering small objects on a monumental scale. The everyday becomes epic. Her works in The Collaborative Print: Works from SOLO Impression, on view through...

Dotty Attie’s work, mannered, realist, delicate, is all about violence. Masterpieces copied, cut, contextualized anew. Images of women manipulated to accentuate their vulnerability to the powerful male and his gaze....

If I could be an artist, I would want to be Joyce Kozloff. Her work draws on maps, illuminations, historical manuscripts, and website imagery, always delighting the eye with decorative...

Ida Applebroog’s simplified figures in comic-like settings wrapped in social criticism make her artwork easily identifiable. The Collaborative Print: Works from SOLO Impression features two of Applebroog’s prints, on view...

Founder and Master Printer Judith Solodkin established the New York print shop, SOLO Impression Inc., in 1975. Without intending to, she has become a great supporter of women in the...