
Oblique view of gallery with a Baroque painting of the Madonna and Child in a gilded frame on magenta wall at right. In the distance, three more framed works hang on the same wall. Painting on the adjacent white wal is of a reclining figure with a bandage on chest.


Wilhelmina Cole Holladay (1922 to 2021)

Board of Trustees

As of June 2024

  • Winton S. Holladay, Chair of the Board
  • Susan Goldberg, President
  • Lucretia Risoleo, Treasurer and Finance Chair
  • Charlotte Buxton, Secretary
  • Karen Sonneborn, Governance Chair
  • Susan Fisher Sterling, Alice West Director*
  • Pamela Parizek, Audit Chair
  • Marcia Myers Carlucci, Building Chair
  • Amy Weiss, Communications Chair
  • Ashley Davis, Government Relations Chair
  • Nancy Nelson Stevenson, Works of Art Chair
  • Diane Casey Landry, Investment Chair
  • Gina Adams
  • Janice Lindhurst Adams
  • Belinda de Gaudemar
  • Deborah I. Dingell
  • Martha Dippell
  • Nancy Duber
  • Susan Dunlevy
  • Anjali Gupta
  • Pamela Gwaltney
  • Eliza Holladay
  • Cindy Jones
  • Marlene Malek
  • Jacqueline Mars
  • Juliana E. May
  • Bonnie McElveen-Hunter
  • Stephanie Sale
  • Julie Sapone*
  • Alejandra Segura
  • Sheila Shaffer
  • Kathleen Elizabeth Springhorn
  • Annie S. Totah
  • Sarah Bucknell Treco*
  • Sara Vance Waddell
  • Ann Walker Marchant
  • Alice West
  • Patti White

* Ex Officio 

NMWA Advisory Board

The NMWA Advisory Board (NAB) provides advisory and financial resources to the museum leadership and, acting as Outreach Ambassadors, extends the mission of the museum nationally and internationally.

As of July 2024

  • Sarah Bucknell Treco, Chair 
  • Noreen Ackerman 
  • Kathe Hicks Albrecht 
  • Sunny Scully Alsup
  • Susan M. Ascher
  • Virginia Barbato 
  • Jo Ann Barefoot 
  • Gail Bassin
  • Arlene Begelman 
  • Sue Ann Berlin 
  • Catherine Little Bert 
  • Brenda Bertholf
  • Caroline Boutté 
  • Nancy Taylor Bubes 
  • Deborah G. Carstens   
  • Barbara Cohen 
  • Marcella Cohen 
  • Marian Cohen 
  • Donna Paolino Coia 
  • Robyn D. Collins 
  • Margaret Conklin
  • Lizette Corro 
  • Elizabeth Crane
  • Lynn Finesilver Crystal 
  • Elizabeth Cullen
  • Mary Lou Dauray 
  • Verónica de Ferrero 
  • Belinda de Gaudemar 
  • Kitty de Isola
  • Michele De Nevers 
  • Katy Graham Debost
  • Alexis Deutsch
  • Ellen Drew 
  • Kenneth P. Dutter 
  • Christine Edwards 
  • Anne N. Edwards 
  • Gerry Ehrlich 
  • Elva Ferrari-Graham
  • Chuck Fleischman, in honor of Lisa Claudy Fleischman
  • Charlotte K. Forster 
  • Rosemarie C. Forsythe
  • Barbara S. Goldfarb
  • Sally Gries
  • Anjali Gupta
  • Ilene S. Gutman
  • Pamela Gwaltney
  • Florencia Helbling
  • Sue J. Henry
  • Imogene Jensen
  • Jan Jessup
  • Alice Kaplan
  • Paulette Kessler
  • Arlene Fine Klepper 
  • Doris Kloster
  • Carol Kolsky
  • Robin Rosa Laub 
  • Cynthia Madden Leitner 
  • Sarah H. Lisanby, M.D.
  • Fred M. Levin
  • Bonnie Loeb
  • Gloria and Dan Logan
  • Angela M. LoRé
  • Clara M. Lovett
  • Joanne Ludovici
  • Marcia MacArthur
  • Linda Mann
  • C. Raymond Marvin
  • Rebecca Matejcek-Chang
  • Ellen Stirn Mavec
  • Dee Ann McIntyre
  • Cynthia McKee
  • Constance C. McPhee
  • Lorna Meyer Calas
  • Anu Mitra
  • Milica Mitrovich
  • Mary V. Mochary
  • Claudia Pensotti Mosca
  • Kay Woodward Olson
  • Nancy Olson
  • Monica T. O’Neill
  • Carol Parker
  • Anthony T. and Trisja Malisoff Podesta
  • Laurel Rafter
  • Lucy Rhame
  • Helena Ribe
  • Barbara Richter
  • Elizabeth Robinson
  • Tara Rudman
  • Stephanie Sale
  • Consuelo Salinas de Pareja
  • Steven Scott
  • Kathy Sierra
  • Ann Simon
  • Geri Skirkanich
  • Heidi Brake Smith
  • Dot Snyder
  • Denise Littlefield Sobel
  • Patti Amanda Spivey
  • Kathleen Elizabeth Springhorn
  • Pamela Stanger
  • Judith Karlen Stein
  • Sara Steinfeld
  • Jo Stribling
  • Christine Suppes
  • Susan Swartz
  • Cheryl S. Tague
  • Mahinder Tak
  • Judy Spence Tate
  • Lisa Cannon Taylor
  • MaryRoss Taylor
  • Brooke Taylor
  • Deborah Dunklin Tipton
  • Marichu Valencia
  • Sara M. Vance Waddell
  • Minal Vazirani
  • Victoria Vermes
  • Toni G. Verstandig
  • Virginia Voorhees
  • Paula S. Wallace
  • Harriet L. Warm
  • Krystyna Wasserman
  • Patti White
  • Tamara White
  • Carol Winer
  • Rhett D. Workman
  • Susan Zimny