Year in Review 2023

Close-up view of ornate gold and crystal chandeliers in the museum's Great Hall. The camera is focused on the chandelier in the foreground and the rest is out of focus.

What’s Inside

  • Achievements from the recent fiscal year as the museum prepared to reopen from a major building renovation
  • Recent collection growth
  • Financial statements
  • Thanks to the extraordinary friends who supported our Space to Soar capital campaign and ongoing mission-related work

Related Quote

The construction site is in process. And society is under construction too, so it’s a nice canvas.”
Katharina Cibulka, on her SOLANGE work for NMWA
A light-skinned woman with short white hair stands in front of a building whose façade is covered in a white mesh artwork with bright pink cross-stitched letters that say "As long as generations change but our struggles stay the same, I will be a femini
Katharina Cibulka with her installation SOLANGE #27 (National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C.), 2022; Mesh scaffolding net, tulle, and cable ties, 82 x 82 ft. (25 x 25 meters); © 2022 Katharina Cibulka; Photo by Kevin Allen

FY23 Fun Facts

  • Dozens of works of art from NMWA’s collection remained available to the public, through extended loans to the National Gallery of Art and the Baltimore Museum of Art and in special exhibitions around the world.
  • Virtual field trips for K–12 and college students reached 442 learners.
  • The museum’s website had more than 1.3 million page views.
  • NMWA’s art collection grew by 128 works: 77 photographs, 41 prints, 4 sculptures, 3 mixed-media works, 1 video, 1 painting, and 1 drawing.