In Focus: Guerrilla Girls

Three women dressed in all black with gorilla masks over their heads are leaning against a brick wall with a window. The window is covered in posters with big black letters that read "Guerilla Girls", among other text.
Donning their signature gorilla masks, the Guerrilla Girls combine witty wordplay, stark statistics, and advertising-style graphics to call out discrimination in the art world.

Artists at Work Video Series: Guerrilla Girls

Artwork on View

Four figures stand side by side and wear gorilla masks that cover their entire heads. The background shows a sunlit building with arched windows, sky, and in the lower right corner a small glimpse of water and the tip of a gondola. Each guerilla holds a pink sign with black text.
Guerrilla Girls, Benvenuti alla biennale femminista! (from the series “Guerrilla Girls Talk Back: Portfolio 2”), 2005; Lithographic poster, 17 x 11 in.; National Museum of Women in the Arts, Gift of Steven Scott, Baltimore, in honor of Wilhelmina Cole Holladay; © Guerrilla Girls, Courtesy