"If you ask Danes to name a woman artist, they will say Anna Ancher," declared Skagens Museum curator Mette Bøgh Jensen in an enlightening gallery talk of A World Apart:...

In a celebration of high jinks and jokes, take a look at pranksters in NMWA’s collection. Among art tricksters’ tools of deception are optical illusions, unconventional materials, and trompe l’oeil...

Surprisingly, 50 of the 300 artists exhibiting at the Armory Show in 1913 were women. With few exceptions, these women are not known to most art historians today, yet many...

The ancient Egyptian civilization has influenced worldwide art and architecture for millennia. Even one of the most recognizable landmarks in Washington D.C., the Washington Monument, is an obelisk, which was...

Decoding 19th-Century American Portraiture: Isaac and Susan Avery
January 12, 2010
Learn more about painter Sarah Miriam Peale, whose pendant portraits of Isaac and Susan Avery (1821) are featured in the NMWA collection.