
New Worlds: Ecology and the Nature of Art

Event Details

Event Date and Time

Wed, Jan 17, 2024
12 to 1 pm ET

Tickets and Reservations

Free. Reservations required.



A still image from a short film showing what looks like a beach jungle on fire in three places. In reality, the image is a hanging, large-scale photograph of a beach jungle engulfed with flames. Sand and plants can be seen in front of the photograph, further adding to the illusion.
Join us for a special members-only event where artists offer innovative ways to experience our natural and built environments.

Event Description

About the Event

Since 2020, our world has been transformed by a global pandemic, advocacy for social reform, and political division. How have these extraordinary times inspired artists? Works by the 28 artists featured in New Worlds: Women to Watch 2024 explore these ideas from perspectives that shift across geographies, cultural viewpoints, and time.

Once a month, leading up to and through the opening of the exhibition in April 2024, NMWA curators host a special members-only virtual event with a group of participating artists to discuss one of the themes of the exhibition. In January’s panel discussion, artists Noémie Goudal (representing the UK), Irina Kirchuk (Argentina), Sarah Ortegon HighWalking (Wyoming), and Sophia Pompéry (Germany) describe how their creative practices intersect with issues of ecology, climate change, and sustainability.

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CART Captioning

This event will have Communication Access Real-time Transcription (CART), in which a professional transcribes the speech and non-speech audio information to text. The text will be displayed in the event video window, and attendees can turn captioning on or off throughout the program.

Accessibility Inquiries

If you are unable to register online or would like to indicate any accessibility services you require, please email Two weeks’ notice to request accessibility services is appreciated but not required. We will make every attempt to fulfill requests.