March Madness: A Digital Dive into Women’s History Month
April 14, 2016
News And Updates
NMWA’s year-round mission is to address gender imbalance in the art world, but every March, Women’s History Month, the museum has an opportunity to catch the attention of a wider...

Large-scale photographs by contemporary women artists illuminate their perspectives and challenge stereotypes in She Who Tells a Story: Women Photographers from Iran and the Arab World, on view April 8–July...

Little Legs and Big Imaginations: Tours for Pre-K Visitors
April 6, 2016
News And Updates
NMWA hosts free and hands-on thematic tours for students in kindergarten through high school. This April, the museum launches a pilot series of tours created specifically for early learners—children ages 3–6....

On March 8, 2016, the museum hosted an #EmptyNMWA instameet (a gathering of Instagram photographers) in honor of International Women’s Day. NWMA welcomed 30 local instagrammers to visit the museum...

Can you name five women artists? #5WomenArtists is trending! In honor of Women’s History Month, NMWA started a social media campaign to raise awareness of women artists. Everyone’s chiming in,...

In honor of International Women’s Day, NMWA will host an #EmptyNMWA instameet on Tuesday, March 8. An “instameet” is an opportunity for photographers to gather, meet, and snap pictures for...

Women’s History Month: Can You Name #5womenartists?
February 29, 2016
News And Updates
Did you know that even though women make up 51% of visual artists today, in the U.S. only 5% of work on museum walls is by women? It is no...