
View of the museum from outside showing the Neoclassical building from one corner. The building is a tan-colored stone with an arched doorway, long vertical windows, and detailed molding around the roof.

Disability and Dress: An Interview with Natalie Wright

Posted: July 26, 2024
Category: #5Womenartists
July is Disability Pride Month. As part of NMWA’s #5WomenArtists campaign, we spoke with art historians and disability advocates who are working at this intersection.
A black-and-white photo of a woman in a wheelchair waring stylish 1970s dress.

An Art History of Pharmaceuticals: An Interview with Phillippa Pitts

Posted: July 23, 2024
Category: #5Womenartists
July is Disability Pride Month. As part of NMWA’s #5WomenArtists campaign, we spoke with art historians and disability advocates who are working at this intersection.
A 19th-century medial illustration shows a male doctor inflating his patient like a water balloon.

#5WomenArtists Art+: Television and Screenwriters

Posted: July 27, 2023
Category: #5Womenartists
We spoke with five television and screenwriters about their work, favorite writers, and why the Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike is important to them.
Six people stand wearing matching blue hats and shirts hold up and walk behind a large banner sign that says "Writers Guild on Strike." Behind them is a mass of other people holding picketing signs and chanting.

#5WomenPoets on #5WomenArtists

Posted: April 27, 2023
Category: #5Womenartists
April is National Poetry Month. To celebrate, we’re highlighting five contemporary poets inspired by artists whose works are in our collection.
An enamel portrait painting of a woman made with encrusted black rhinestones glued to shiny pink acrylic background.

5 Questions With Very Sad Lab

Posted: March 15, 2022
Category: #5Womenartists
Throughout 2022, NMWA’s #5WomenArtists campaign will champion emerging and underrepresented artists. Get to know D.C.-based houseplant rehabilitation duo Very Sad Lab!
An installation view of a tiny gallery space shows a long wood desk and shelving set up against one wall, holding jars and pots of plant clippings with a flat screen TV mounted to the wall in the center. The back wall is painted green with white text on it: "The Incubator Resource Lab." More plants hang from the ceiling. The floor is concrete and painted dark grey.

5 Questions with Stephanie J. Williams

Posted: January 27, 2022
Category: #5Womenartists
Throughout 2022, NMWA’s #5WomenArtists campaign will champion emerging and underrepresented artists. Get to know D.C.-based interdisciplinary artist Stephanie J. Williams!
In this screen still from a puppet stop motion animation, miniature sculptures made from wood, metal, and other materials are arranged on top of, and hang above, green turf, set against a pitch black background. The sculpture's shadows appear on the turf. The sculptures are made up of various circular designs.

Five Emerging Artists for #5WomenArtists: Micaela Cianci

Posted: December 10, 2021
Category: #5Womenartists
U.K.-based artist Micaela Cianci created an original illustration inspired by Leonora Carrington’s painting Crookhey Hall (1986), part of the museum's collection.
A black-and-white digital illustration features a lively, Surrealist scene on the grounds of an old English manor. Among trees and the grass, a brass band walks, a man in a formal suit runs crazily, animals and human-animals stands and interact, and a circus tent stands in the distance.

Five Emerging Artists for #5WomenArtists: Ambar Del Moral

Posted: September 29, 2021
Category: #5Womenartists
Artist Ambar Del Moral’s new T-shirt that pays homage to NMWA’s #5WomenArtists campaign drops on 10/1. It kicks off a line of #5WomenArtists T-shirts created by five emerging women artists...

#5WomenArtists in SoHo Women Artists

Posted: March 29, 2021
Category: #5Womenartists
Get to know five women artists—Harmony Hammond, Louise Bourgeois, Joyce Kozloff, Miriam Schapiro, and Sarah Charlesworth— who are depicted in SoHo Women Artists (1978), by May Stevens.
Life-sized, full-length portraits of 12 individuals form a frieze-like composition against a saturated lapis-blue background. Most of those portrayed are noted feminist artists and critics. Details from the artist's earlier paintings appear above and to t

Wilhelmina Cole Holladay’s #5WomenArtists

Posted: March 24, 2021
Category: #5Womenartists
NMWA founder Wilhelmina Cole Holladay (1922–2021) was a visionary collector of great art by women. Get to know five of her favorite modern and contemporary artists from the museum’s collection.
Wilhelmina Cole Holladay leans against a railing with a slight smile. She is a light-skinned, older woman with short, gray hair, and she wears a collared white shirt and black cardigan. Ornate chandeliers can be seen behind her.