NMWA founder Wilhelmina Cole Holladay (1922–2021) was a visionary collector of great art by women. Get to know five of her favorite historical artists from the museum’s collection.

Impress your friends with five fast facts about artist Camille Claudel, whose work is part of NMWA’s collection.

O’Keeffe’s painting Hibiscus sells for $4.8 million at auction; The Brooklyn Museum acquires 96 works by women; Berthe Morisot: Woman Impressionist is on view at the Musée national des beaux-arts du...

#5WomenArtists features for Women's History Month; Smithsonian Magazine features Camille Claudel; Faith Ringgold exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum; and more.

NMWA’s mission underscores the necessity of space for women as creators and consumers of art. The poignant story of artist Camille Claudel (1864–1943), who struggled to cement her own identity...