National Museum of Women in the Arts


View of the museum from outside showing the Neoclassical building from one corner. The building is a tan-colored stone with an arched doorway, long vertical windows, and detailed molding around the roof.

Challenge Accepted: Can You Name Five Women Artists?

Posted: February 27, 2017
Category: Advocacy
Back by popular demand this March, the National Museum of Women in the Arts continues to ask, “Can you name five women artists?” This simple question calls attention to the...

March Madness: A Digital Dive into Women’s History Month

Posted: April 14, 2016
Category: Advocacy
NMWA’s year-round mission is to address gender imbalance in the art world, but every March, Women’s History Month, the museum has an opportunity to catch the attention of a wider...

Art Fix Friday: March 11, 2016

Posted: March 11, 2016
Category: Advocacy
Can you name five women artists? #5WomenArtists is trending! In honor of Women’s History Month, NMWA started a social media campaign to raise awareness of women artists. Everyone’s chiming in,...
A black-and-white photograph of a light-skinned adult woman holding a newspaper with news about World War II. She wears a coat and her short, curly hair is caught in the wind.

Women’s History Month: Can You Name #5womenartists?

Posted: February 29, 2016
Category: Advocacy
Did you know that even though women make up 51% of visual artists today, in the U.S. only 5% of work on museum walls is by women? It is no...

Carrie Mae Weems and the Art of Change

Posted: December 2, 2015
Category: Advocacy
In September, the National Museum of Women in the Arts launched a new public programs initiative, Women, Arts, and Social Change, focusing on women and the arts as catalysts for...
A woman with a medium-dark skin tone and shirt, black hair is giving a lecture before a white banner reading "National Museum of Women in the Arts." She is wearing a forest-green dress and slightly bends her body towards her right.

Righting the Balance: It Doesn’t Stop Here

Posted: October 23, 2015
Category: Advocacy
NMWA’s latest initiative, Women, Arts, and Social Change, kicked off Sunday, October 18, with FRESH TALK: Righting the Balance. The new public program focuses on women and the arts as...
Three women are sitting on a stage giving a talk. In large letters, the title above them says "Fresh Talk."

NMWA receives Simone de Beauvoir Prize for Women’s Freedom

Posted: April 30, 2015
Category: Advocacy
On January 9, Director Susan Fisher Sterling accepted the Simone de Beauvoir Prize for Women’s Freedom on behalf of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, during a ceremony...
View of the museum from outside showing the Neoclassical building from one corner. The building is a tan-colored stone with an arched doorway, long vertical windows, and detailed molding around the roof.

“Say It Enough and It Becomes . . .”

Posted: April 8, 2015
Category: Advocacy
Despite everything we learned in school about sticks and stones, language has an immense impact on the world. Words transform perceptions, and once words are spoken they can continue to...
A silhouette of a woman painting and several words in red and black. The words include "Defensive" and "Jitters", repeatedly painted onto the surface.

Women in the Arts: [Citation Needed]

Posted: April 2, 2015
Category: Advocacy
The gender gap in the arts is narrowing, yet women continue to only make up around 25% of solo gallery shows, and in 30 years of prizes, a woman has...
Several people are sitting next to each other on their laptops, looking up. Two large paintings are hanging behind them.

Looking Forward: Women to Watch 2015—Organic Matters

Posted: November 21, 2014
Category: Advocacy
NMWA is thrilled to host the fourth Women to Watch exhibition, Organic Matters, from June 5 to September 13, 2015. Developed in collaboration with the museum’s national and international outreach...
View of a gallery space. In big letters green , the text on the wall reads "Women to Watch: Organic Matters, 2015."