Artist Spotlight

View of the museum from outside showing the Neoclassical building from one corner. The building is a tan-colored stone with an arched doorway, long vertical windows, and detailed molding around the roof.

Books Without Words (in a book with words)

Posted: September 16, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
The catalogue for Books Without Words: The Visual Poetry of Elisabetta Gut includes essays by exhibition curator Krystyna Wasserman and Gut's fellow Italian book artist Mirella Bentivoglio, along with beautiful...
An all-white bicycle with a flat black sphere in the place of the rear wheel. A book is perched on a long arm extending from the handlebar mount, and pages of the book rest on the handlebars and are scattered on the ground.

SOLO Spotlight: Jean Shin

Posted: August 30, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
Jean Shin is a master of rendering small objects on a monumental scale. The everyday becomes epic. Her works in The Collaborative Print: Works from SOLO Impression, on view through...
A view of a gallery space with several colorful works hanging on the walls.

From the Vault: Louise Moillon

Posted: August 24, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
Louise Moillon is an enigma. Born in 1609 or 1610 in France to a Protestant family, her works reflect a distinct Flemish influence, yet at the same time reject the...
A vessel mounded with 5 oranges, a lemon, and greenery sits atop an oval, wooden box resting on a wooden plank. In the foreground, two pomegranates, one of which has split open and dropped three seeds, balance near the plank’s edge. Droplets of water dot the fruit and the table.

From the Vault: Rineke Dijkstra

Posted: August 16, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
Dutch photographer and video-artist Rineke Dijkstra is well known for her intense and intimate approach to portraiture. Her work, typically executed in a serial format, is predicated on people in...
A light-skinned person wearing a black and white striped bathing suit standing at the beach with their back turned towards the ocean. Their long dark hair is blowing in the wind and their arms are held straight at their sides.

SOLO Spotlight: Dotty Attie

Posted: August 12, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
Dotty Attie’s work, mannered, realist, delicate, is all about violence. Masterpieces copied, cut, contextualized anew. Images of women manipulated to accentuate their vulnerability to the powerful male and his gaze....
A view of a gallery space with several colorful works hanging on the walls.

Woman to Watch: Jennifer Levonian

Posted: July 29, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
Third in our summer series of Women to Watch artist spotlights, Jennifer Levonian talks about how she made her work Take Your Picture with a Puma. Levonian's work was recently...
View of the museum from outside showing the Neoclassical building from one corner. The building is a tan-colored stone with an arched doorway, long vertical windows, and detailed molding around the roof.

SOLO Spotlight: Lesley Dill

Posted: July 27, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
Lesley Dill combines the human body, language, and a range of materials to construct her artwork. The Poetic Body–Gloves, Ears, and Eyes, 1992, exemplifies this practice.
Three side-by-side works on vanilla-colored paper features eyes, hands and ears with words printed on them.

Woman to Watch: Kate Longmaid

Posted: July 16, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
In conjunction with Body of Work: New Perspectives on Figurative Painting, Broad Strokes is proud to spotlight the artists featured in Women to Watch. Select portraitists will be commenting on...
Two large paintings hang on a lavender wall. In the first, a dark-skinned woman stands in a white landscape, and in the other, a fence, house, and large birds float on a solid turquoise background. On the other white wall is an abstract multimedia work with houses, cakes, and patterns.

SOLO Spotlight: Joyce Kozloff

Posted: July 9, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
If I could be an artist, I would want to be Joyce Kozloff. Her work draws on maps, illuminations, historical manuscripts, and website imagery, always delighting the eye with decorative...
A view of a gallery space with several colorful works hanging on the walls.

SOLO Spotlight: Ida Applebroog

Posted: June 30, 2010
Category: Artist Spotlight
Ida Applebroog’s simplified figures in comic-like settings wrapped in social criticism make her artwork easily identifiable. The Collaborative Print: Works from SOLO Impression features two of Applebroog’s prints, on view...