Merian’s Daughters: Monika E. de Vries Gohlke, Amy Lamb, and Janaina Tschäpe
September 1, 2015
Three artists credit groundbreaking 17th-century artist and scientist Maria Sibylla Merian, whose work is also on view in Super Natural, as a major influence on their performances, photography, videos, and...

Impress your friends with five fast facts about Elisabetta Gut, whose work is currently on view in NMWA’s galleries.

Impress your friends with five fast facts about Rachel Ruysch, whose work will be on view at NMWA in Super Natural, June 5–September 13, 2015.

Impress your friends with five fast facts about Italian artist Sofonisba Anguissola, whose work is currently on view at NMWA in Picturing Mary.

Did you know that NMWA launched its first-ever online exhibition, A Global Icon: Mary in Context, in conjunction with Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea?

Impress your friends with five fast facts about artist Artemisia Gentileschi, whose work is currently on view at NMWA in Picturing Mary.

Behind the Scenes in the Registrar’s Office: Crates, Notes, and Dust Motes
September 4, 2014
Visitors to the National Museum of Women in the Arts have no doubt seen Anne Vallayer-Coster’s majestic portrait of Madame de Saint-Huberty in the Role of Dido, which currently hangs...

Alex Prager (b. 1979, Los Angeles) is a self-taught photographer and filmmaker known for large-scale pictures of actresses in eccentrically costumed and choreographed crowds. La Petite Mort (2012), which is...

On view in Total Art: Contemporary Video, Dara Birnbaum’s Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman (1978–79) opens with several minutes of footage showing intense explosions, transformations, and sampled disco tunes. Just as a...

The internet has become one of the most readily used resources for answers to myriad questions. A quick Google keyword search will often land a Wikipedia link for inquiring minds...