Urgent Museum Notice

News and Media

Rendering that shows the museum great hall with visitors gathering.
Read stories about our building’s history, renovation progress, and stay up-to-date with the latest museum news during our closure.

Renovation Press

Birds-eye rendering of what the fourth floor will look like, includes a view of the new Library learning commons, the Education Center, and new gallery space..
National Museum of Women in the Arts renovation project: Learning Commons; Rendering by Sandra Vicchio & Associates, LLC, with Marshall Craft Associates, Inc.

Magazine Articles

Building the Museum’s Future

No Stone Unturned

Additional Information

Project Overview

View of the museum from outside showing the Neoclassical building from one corner. The building is a tan-colored stone with an arched doorway, long vertical windows, and detailed molding around the roof.
Explore the ambitious campaign for a top-to-bottom transformation of the museum’s historic building.

Building Renovation

Architectural rendering of the gallery. People of all ages look at artwork hung on white and magenta walls.
Learn about the plan to improve interior spaces, mechanical systems, and exterior envelope to position NMWA for a triumphant future.

Capital Campaign

Three abstract outdoor sculptures of voluptuous figures covered in bright patterns and dancing with outstretched arms.
Now is the time to invest in NMWA and women artists. Help the museum reach new heights by supporting our historic $67.5 million campaign.

Director’s Message

A woman with light skin and short brown hair posing behind a white assemblage sculpture.
Read a special letter from Susan Fisher Sterling, NMWA’s Alice West Director, on the building’s first full renovation project since 1987.


Old color, front-facing photograph of the museum exterior from 1984.
View our timeline of the building’s evolution, including key dates of the capital campaign and ambitious renovation project.

Project FAQs

Birds-eye rendering of what the fourth floor will look like, includes a view of the new Library learning commons, the Education Center, and new gallery space..
Check out Frequently Asked Questions about the building closure, renovation, and campaign.

Contact Us

We invite you to join in support of this transformational campaign. Gifts and pledges of all levels are welcome.

Christina Knowles

Senior Director of Development


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