5 Fast Facts

View of the museum from outside showing the Neoclassical building from one corner. The building is a tan-colored stone with an arched doorway, long vertical windows, and detailed molding around the roof.

5 Fast Facts: Berthe Morisot

Posted: December 9, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Rendered in loose, impressionistic brushstrokes in muted pastel tones, the still life painting depicts a brass birdcage with two small birds cuddled next to each other on a perch. The cage sits adjacent to and partially obscures a bowl of lush red, yellow, and white flowers.

5 Fast Facts: Lee Krasner

Posted: November 24, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Impress your friends with five fast facts about Lee Krasner, whose work is on view in Pathmakers: Women in Art, Craft, and Design, Midcentury and Today through February 28, 2015.
Densely layered, expressive brushwork in cream, white, and multiple shades of green cover a rectangular, horizontal canvas from edge to edge. Daubs and splashes of paint mingle with strokes resembling arcs, circles, ovals, and other curving forms to suggest movement and energy.

5 Fast Facts: Petah Coyne

Posted: October 19, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Impress your friends with five fast facts about Petah Coyne, whose work is on view at NMWA.
A sculpture hangs in a dark gallery. The sculpture comprises layers of melted pink and white wax that form a dress-like shape hanging from satin-wrapped chains. Its color, shape, and bumpy, lacy texture, evoke a frilly tutu, lavishly frosted wedding cake, or coral.

5 Fast Facts: Sharon Core

Posted: August 26, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Impress your friends with five fast facts about Sharon Core, whose work is currently on view at NMWA in the collection galleries and in Super Natural.
A full crystal sherry glass and plate mounded with raisins and iced cakes occupy the middle ground of a still-life photograph. Luscious green grapes sit in the left foreground, and greenery rises in the background. The image explicitly imitates18th-century, still-life paintings.

5 Fast Facts: Patricia Piccinini

Posted: August 19, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Learn more about artist Patricia Piccinini, who is known for The Stags and whose work is featured in the NMWA collection.
A sculpture consists of two metallic-orange motor scooters manipulated to resemble male deer. Leather seats become haunches, dashboard dials resemble faces, and multiple rear-view mirrors morph into antlers. The serpentine, hybrid animal-machines appear to spar for dominance.

5 Fast Facts: Elisabetta Gut

Posted: July 8, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Impress your friends with five fast facts about Elisabetta Gut, whose work is currently on view in NMWA’s galleries.
A brown, tropical fruit with a large segment of skin removed to reveal small, round pages of sheet music inside instead of fruit flesh. The book rests on a square woodblock with “libra—seme” printed in the bottom-right corner.

5 Fast Facts: Rachel Ruysch

Posted: June 2, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Impress your friends with five fast facts about Rachel Ruysch, whose work will be on view at NMWA in Super Natural, June 5–September 13, 2015.
A still life painting featuring an asymmetrical arrangement of flowers; the central section features pink, orange, yellow, and blue flowers and is dramatically highlighted compared to the background and outer edge of arrangement.

5 Fast Facts: Suzanne Valadon

Posted: April 16, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Impress your friends with five fast facts about painter Suzanne Valadon, whose work is in NMWA’s collection.
Painting of a light-skinned girl with short, curly, dark brown hair sitting on a low stone wall. She leans against one of her legs propped up on the wall, the other leg dangling off the side. She wears a blue dress with patterns, and is surrounded by lush greenery and red flowers.

5 Fast Facts: Andrea Higgins

Posted: March 16, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Impress your friends with five fast facts about Andrea Higgins, whose work is currently on view at NMWA in the collection galleries.
Close-up detail of a larger abstract artwork features thick black paint meticulously applied in small neat rectangles alternating orientation to form a grid. There is a minuscule amount of space between the tiles that allows a pink background to show through.

5 Fast Facts: Sofonisba Anguissola

Posted: January 21, 2015
Category: 5 Fast Facts
Impress your friends with five fast facts about Italian artist Sofonisba Anguissola, whose work is currently on view at NMWA in Picturing Mary.
Three quarter length painting of a woman standing against a dark background. She is wearing a sumptuous red Renaissance-style dress with a high lace collar. Standing next to her at bottom left is a child holding a small spaniel.